Mysticatz is located in the beautiful downtown historic district of Galveston; on the Strand between 20th and 21st Street. The shop carries a unique array of estate and fine jewelry to suit every budget. You will find “new and old, silver and gold!” Like many shops in the downtown area, you will also find a few interesting collectibles and vintage items…and a few haunted friends as well!
A visit to Mysticatz will leave any ghost hunter feeling right at home! The location is a former Civil War hospital and very much haunted. Every ghost tour in Galveston makes a stop here.
The shop also carries an assortment of beautiful rocks, crystals and other unique gift items that are connected to all aspects of metaphysical healing.
Within the shop, you will also find a special healing room where Cathy does angelic readings. As an angel intuitive, messages are channeled through her that can help one be healed from negative issues or past trauma, grow spiritually, or connect with departed loved ones.
The book “Angel Talk” which was written by the owner, Cathy Catching, is available for purchase. “Angel Talk” relays the events surrounding Cathy’s miraculous healing in 2011 and her communication with her angels just prior, during and after her healing. The book also gives the details on how Cathy became clairaudient and some of the early messages that she received.
Her other book, “Guidebook to Angel Talk” is a remarkably detailed handbook on how to communicate with angels and other divine beings. Learn the basics about angels, how they interact with us, and how to unlock your own divine connection. Through this connection, you can have personal conversations with your own guardian angel, the Archangels, departed loved ones, or any other heavenly being.
Her third book, “Guidebook to Angel Talk” offers readers a glimpse into the life of a clairaudient as the author relays some of her own personal stories of angelic interaction. As she shares these captivating stories, you may very well be able to see the divine synchronicity in your own life.
Angel intuitives can also be called psychics or mediums who receive their messages from angels. They can also channel spirit guides and the deceased but their main focus is delivering angelic messages.
If you are interested in an angel reading, call (409)740-1565 or e-mail cathycatching@comcast.net for an appointment. Group sessions and classes are also available. Pricing varies.
All of her books can be purchased and signed at Mysticatz, located at 2021 Strand #1, Galveston. For more info call (409)740-1565, go to cathycatching.com, or facebook.com/ccatching.
The store, Mysticatz, located at 2021 Strand in Downtown Galveston, offers a great variety of crystals, vintage items, collectibles and a wide variety of things that aid in metaphysical healing.
It is a very peaceful and healing place to visit. Stop by and say hi! You are sure to receive a warm welcome there – by everyone!