by Gini Rainey
There’s a whole new world waiting for you between the covers of your next book. It’s no secret that I love to read, and that I’ve been doing so for most of my life. Back in the day, when there wasn’t a myriad of electronic devices vying for everyone’s attention, reading was the best way to escape reality. Even though e-readers have become a way of life for most people, including me, there’s nothing I like better than to hold the physical book in my hands, open it up to the first page, and dig into a world created by someone who has a story to tell.
I wish that more parents would encourage their children to read because it helps to develop their imaginations and creativity more than any other method. Just think about all the books you’ve read and how you have pictured the heroes and heroines in your own mind. That’s why character development is one of the most important skills for writers to possess, because without well-developed characters, the reader will have a difficult time wrapping his brain around and immersing himself in even the most intriguing story line.
I would like to issue a challenge to anyone who loves to read. Do you find yourself reading nothing but one genre of books, i.e. romance? I do and then I realize that there are so many other types of books available, and I pick something totally opposite of what I really enjoy – just to broaden my horizons. I would suggest that you try this. You never know what is waiting to be discovered in the next book. You might find out a new reading passion you didn’t even know you had.
Before We Were Yours: A Novel
By Lisa Wingate
Lisa Wingate, a journalist, inspirational speaker, and the author of a host of literary works, has brought to life a family scandal that spans a couple of generations from the 1930s to present day and is based on the true-life story of Georgia Tann and the Tennessee Children’s Homes Society orphan scam that she ran.
This was a mesmerizing tale of a family ripped apart by horrible, unfair, and illegal tactics and what mad this book even more chilling is that is was inspired by a real-life, decades long scandal that destroyed countless families and in turn, forever altered the victims’ entire beings.
While there are several plotlines, and the switches back and forth from the ‘30s to present day at times became a bit confusing, Wingate’s character development makes for a very interesting and compelling read. While this is a terrifying story (mostly because it actually happened) Wingate places the reader in the position of a horrified spectator learning about this forgotten bit of history and the frightened but brave children to whom it happened. Wingate has built the perfect tension between two stories and through it all has given the reader something to cheer about, as well as something to fear, as the main character, Avery, uncovers her family’s history. Wingate leads you to the edge of discovery and somehow manages to pulls you back again. This book is definitely a page turner and well worth the read.
5 of 5 – Copyright 2017 – Ballentine Books