More To Do

Fall Reading

By Gini Rainey

The Waiting Room

by Emily Bleeker

Written by the author of When I’m Gone, this book has just as much suspense, mystery, and unanswered questions that held my attention to the turn of the last page.   It seems that since the death of her husband, that coincided with the beginning of her post-partum depression following the birth of their daughter, Veronica has been unable to touch, hold, or work as an illustrator.  Enlisting the help of her mother to care for the baby, Veronica’s life is a spiral of misery.  When someone breaks into her house and she finds disturbing sketches in her studio, and the eventual kidnapping of her daughter, Veronica enlists the help of local authorities to find the baby.  When she feels no one is trying to help her, she begins a search of her own for her missing baby.

What Bleeker has created here is a story filled with as much suspense and twisted turns as Gone Girl and When I’m Gone, both psychological thrillers of the first class.  With skillful character building, she has created characters that just scream believability and situations that are easy for the reader to feel like they are involved, too, feeling the angst and pain of all involved.  While this book is mainly intended to be a fiction read, it also addresses the very serious subject of post-partum depression and how deep and crippling it can be.

Without a doubt, Bleeker will suck you in and keep you there until the very end.  Just because you think you’ve got the whole plot AND ending figured out, don’t be surprised when you turn that last page and discover the sad truth behind the disappearance of the baby.  Grab a glass or two (oh heck, the whole bottle) of wine, get into your comfy chair and settle in for one crazy ride.

5 of 5 – Copyright – 2018 –Lake Union Publishing


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