
Galveston Children’s Museum Summer Camps Still Have Openings

The Galveston Children’s Museum is an Island resource that attracts families and serves the community with fun for children in all areas of education and offers self-directed activities promoting science, literacy, math, and the arts. It showcases dynamic exhibits targeting a primary focus group of children ages 2-10 and conducts special programming for children of all ages. 

The Galveston Children’s Museum is located at 2618 Broadway St., Galveston. For more info go to or call (409)572-2544. 

Make your summer memories with GCM. Break out for nonstop fun. Each camp will include discovery, design, and creativity.

Friday Fun at the  Museum Camp

Each Friday beginning June 4th – August 13th (9 am-2 pm)

Join us for a fun-filled day at the Children’s Museum. Supervised by our Play Experts, campers will have nonstop engagement playing and exploring inside and outside the museum, a maker activity, and an art activity.

Just pack a lunch for a busy day of learning through play!

Three Day Camps

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (9 am-3 pm)

June 7-9: Volcanoes and Dinosaurs

Dinosaur digs and fossils, volcano eruptions, and land changes will be the tasks of this camp. Paleontologists will delight. If you are not a dinosaur fan before our camp, you definitely will be after!

June 14-16: Maker Camp Session 1

Forces and circuits will be the focus for Maker Camp 1. We will challenge your creativity using forces as you engineer some cool catapults and launchers to reach new heights and distances your projectiles will go! Circuit inventions will include messing around with Banana keyboards and flashing pictures as the starting point for investigations with circuits!

June 28-30: 3-2-1 Blast Off

Rockets, blasters, and airplanes are just the start of this soaring experience! Come join the fun as we create objects that fly, soar, and float as if lighter than air.

July 5-7: Adventures with Ocean Creatures and Critters

Our ocean is filled with so many amazing animals. We’ve chosen a few of our favorites to explore, investigate, and make art with.  We’ll examine shark skin, make a shark tooth necklace, dissect a squid, create Gyotaku prints (fish printing), investigate what lives in an oyster reef, and more- much more.

July 12-14: Experiments and Artistic Play from Stories Kids Love

Some of your children’s favorite books will be the inspiration for art activities and cool science experiments. Each story will be different and creativity will abound! Authors will include Mo Williams, Eric Carle, Leo Lionni, and others.

July 26-28: Sewing

Stitching makes really cool summertime fashions and crafts to wear, give, and keep. Learn to operate a sewing machine and sew some really handy stiches for yourself.

Aug 2-4: To the Moon and Beyond

Calling all junior astronauts! Moon surface explorations, rovers, and space adventures await your time at camp! Each day will be another discovery about our amazing moon and its place in the Milky Way.

Aug 9-11: Maker Camp Session 2

Calling all inventors! Using what we figured out in Session 1, come see what other devices you can design that move, spin, and make really interesting sounds! Makey-Makey is a cool way to integrate coding, circuits, and fun!

Camp Pricing:

  • Single Day Camp: $50  ($45 Members)
  • Three Day Camp: $180 ($165 Members)

Register Your Camper Today!

CDC guidelines for camps will be followed for everyone’s safety.  Please contact us with any questions or concerns.  409-572-2544 /

We designed camps to maximize both Fun And Safety

  • Ages: 4-10  (Children will be separated into 2 groups by age)
  • Different themes for each camp.
  • Safety protocols: masks, distancing, and sanitizing.
  • Single-day camps 9am-2pm each day.
  • Three-day Camps 9am-3pm each day.
  • Campers should wear play clothes which are okay to get messy.
  • And of course, each day will be filled with discovery, creativity, and imagination.

Covid-19 Guidelines

  • Campers & Staff will be required to follow
  • COVID-safe Practices:
  • Wearing Masks
  • Social Distancing
  • Sanitizing Hands


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