By Gini Rainey “The Isle of Gold” by Seven Jane If you like to read adventure books that have everything from swashbuckling...
By Gini Rainey Well, it sort of feels like summer is over, what with school starting tomorrow here in Tyler, but some of us...
Downtown Galveston has two new restaurants open this summer that are must-try’s. Hearsay on The Strand, located at 2410 Strand, is open...
By Gini Rainey It seems like just yesterday that my daughter Beth came home from middle school and announced that one of...
By Kimber Fountain, Photos by Christa Schreckengost For seventeen years, the lower west half of the historic and monumental Hutchings and Sealy...
Art of Poetry at GAC With Poet John Harn Every Thursday through-September 13th, 5:30-7pm, this ongoing workshop with poet John Harn is...
Zak Perry started playing music when he was in high school, but this wasn’t exactly a new concept for him. Zak’s mother...
Written and Photographed by Sharis Roe DeJaynes It’s October again, and it reminded me of a song Tony Sassi and I wrote...
As Always, On Stage, Singing, and Playing His Heart Out The music talent in Galveston always astounds us. The variety is...
Moody Gardens Reveals New Aquarium Pyramid: Humboldt Penguins, Oil Rig Aquarium, and a Shipwreck Replica Hidden behind the doors of Moody...
By George Douglas Lee Several months ago, I was commissioned to create one of the mosaics for the Seawall Interpretive Trail (Project...
Upcoming shows : Friday, December 9th – “Live at Old Quarter Acoustic Café” CD Release Party with Greg Ustinoff, Old Quarter...
Written by Joanna Yates, Photo by Sharis DeJaynes On any given day there’s so much going on in Galveston that it’s...
By Terry Card The owners of Silver Spot Saloon, Mary and Jim “Bucky” Pregler, are two entrepreneurs who not only have been...
By George Douglas Lee Certainly, one of the most unusual musical groups to appear anywhere in Galveston are the Ukuladies, featuring Catherine...
By Mario Tarradell Texas country singer-songwriter Max Stalling pens tunes that connect, songs that form a snapshot of his life, songs that...
By Michael Alan Basham Recently I was able to catch Coastal Fury playing to a packed house at Crow’s Southwest Cantina, located...
By Michael Alan Basham, Photos by Sharis DeJaynes “Some ladies might use the term “a tall cool drink of water,” probably a...
By George Douglas Lee William Newby IV is a genuine blues man. Most people in the Galveston area know him as Trinity....
By George Douglas Lee If you’re a fan of the Galveston area music scene, you’ve seen or heard Geoff Fish. He’s played...
By Kimber Fountain, Photos by Christa Schreckengost Galveston has witnessed the burgeoning of quite an ample music scene over the past few...
Written By Michael Alan Basham, Photographed by Sharis DeJaynes In the movie “The Wizard of Oz,” there is a line where the...
By Kimber Fountain It has been said that “talking about love is like dancing about architecture.” The same could be said for...
By Kimber Fountain James Phillips was first introduced to the world of art by his mother, who taught him how to draw...
By Kimber Fountain Pick any decade. Pick any genre. Chances are, no matter which you choose, you will hear it reflected in...
By George Douglas Lee One night a few years ago, I dropped in at the late, lamented Bobbie’s House of Spirits to...
By Kimber Fountain Where does music come from? From notes on a page, from instruments, from voices? Yes, but that is a...
By Kimber Fountain Oscar Wilde put forth the notion that “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life,” arguing that the...
By Kimber Fountain Although it is hard to believe now, in light of the emerging backlash against the corporate giants of the...